Donate - Paragon Bit Foundry

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Donate to Paragon Bit Foundry!
All Paragon Bit Foundry applications are provided free of charge with the simple hope that people will find them both useful and entertaining.  If you agree that you are benefiting from using our software, please consider donating to the further development of these and of future ambient icon applications.

Some applications were created in a single day, while others are the result of several weeks of design and development. As such, the suggested donation range is from no charge for the simplest applications, up to USD $20 or more for the more sophisticated ones.  Also, different people may enjoy different applications more than others, so feel empowered to use your own discretion when making your decisions.
Payment Methods
Donate using PayPal

The following cryptocurrency deposit addresses may also be used to support our applications:
Bitcoin (BTC)

Ethereum (ETH)

Litecoin (LTC)

Bitcoin Cash (BCH)



If you wish to make a donation using any other cryptocurrencies that are available on Coinbase and not listed here, send us an email and we’ll happily update our list of deposit addresses.  Payment in this manner, of course, not only supports our website and applications, but also helps to foster global adoption and commonplace usage of cryptocurrencies for all.
Let your voice be heard!
No matter the size of your contribution, please feel free to send us an email message saying which applications you like the most, and even which features you would like to see in future releases!  Any and all suggestions, whether positive or negative, are always greatly appreciated and are very helpful in improving our products.

The ambient icon products listed on our website are, of course, only small examples of what we are capable of creating.  If you or your small business have a need for custom software development, let us design your next application and watch it come to life!
Don't Keep Us a Secret!
One of the best ways to help create software at Paragon Bit Foundry is to spread the word to your friends and family! Show off your new icons and encourage others to explore our product list so they can find their own favorites as well. Thank you for your support, and be sure to keep checking back as we continue to release more extraordinary software!
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